Congratulations to first year PhD biostatistics student, Tyler Grimes, as he has received a travel award from the International Society for Computational Biology, to attend the 25th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and the 16th European Conference on Computational Biology.
This conference will be held in Prague, Czech Republic from July 21 to July 25, 2017. Tyler’s paper, titled Predicting Survival Times for Neuroblastoma Patients Using RNA-Seq Expression Profiles, is joint research with Drs. Susmita Datta, Alejandro Walker, and Somnath Datta. The paper analyzes a challenge data set for Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis track. The paper also received the highest level of award which includes travel compensation and the opportunity to give a 20 minute presentation during the conference. Based on the presentation, Tyler will have the chance to compete for a one-year membership to F1000Prime, a free journal publication in F1000Research, and the prestigious CAMDA trophy.