The Department of Statistics, at Florida State University hosted the 2024American Statistical Association’s (ASA) Florida Chapter Meeting in Tallahassee, Florida. The two-day agenda consisted of keynote talks, invited panel discussions, invited sessions, invited talks, and a student poster session. Awards for Early Career Statisticians, Student Presentation Awards, and Student Travel Awards were selected and presented at the conclusion of the meeting. University of Florida, Biostatistics, Ph.D. student, Shoumi Sarkar gave a student presentation during the 2024 Florida ASA Chapter Meeting. Students who submitted an abstract for either a contributed talk or a poster session and presented at the conference were automatically considered for the Student Presentation Award. Consideration for the award was open to all students whose eligibility met specific requirements. To be eligible for this award, the candidate had to be a full-time student (undergraduate, masters, or Ph.D.) on or after December 1, 2023 at a university in the state of Florida. Additionally, recipients were required to travel to the 2024 Florida ASA Chapter Meeting and present their work in a contributed talk or poster session. Winners were determined by a committee evaluating the quality and scientific content of the submitted abstract and announced at the evening banquet. Shoumi is mentored by Drs. Somnath Datta and Peihua Qiu. Congratulations, Shoumi, on a job well done!