- Job Listings
- Departmental Student Forms
- Biostatistics Student Group
- Biostatistics Graduate Program Handbook
- UF Graduate Catalog
- About Biostatistics
- Internship and Fellowship Opportunities
- UF Phonebook
- Search the UF Web
- Graduate Students UF GSC Travel Grants
- Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Intro
UF Student Support
- Counseling and Student Health
- UF Counseling & Wellness Center
- UF Graduate School (Graduate Student Handbook)
- UF Dean of Students Office provides student support and resources including:
- Student Affairs
- Career Connection Center
- Distance Learning
- Grievance/Complaint Procedures
Academic and Administrative Services
- Library Resources
- One.UF and UF Processes
- GatorRater – online faculty evaluations and results
- UF Academic Deadlines and Calendar and Schedule of Courses
- UF Bookstore
- MyUFL – student fee payments and updates to contact information
- Registrar’s Office Records and Registration
- Student Financial Affairs
- University Bursar – tuition payments, financial aid disbursements and refunds
Technical Help
For all Technical assistance questions please contact the UF Computing Help Desk
(352) 392-HELP (4357) | helpdesk@ufl.edu
- UF Computing Help Desk
- Other Technical Resources
- Online Apps – access to software applications from any computing device from any location, at any time
- lynda.com – free online computer software training
- Student Software Licensing – free or reduced rate software for all UF students
- Office365 (Student Cloud services) – e-mail, calendars, instant messaging and web conferencing
- UF Mobile App
- UF Virtual Private Network (VPN) – secured internet connection required for some UF services