The Department of Statistics, at Florida State University hosted the 2024American Statistical Association’s (ASA) Florida Chapter Meeting in Tallahassee, Florida. The two-day agenda consisted of keynote talks, invited panel discussions, invited sessions, invited talks, and a student poster session. Awards for Early Career Statisticians, Student Presentation Awards, and Student Travel Awards were selected and presented at the conclusion of the meeting. Among many applicants, University of Florida, Biostatistics, Ph.D. student, Zibo Tian, was selected by the local ASA committee to receive one of the three conferred Student Travel Awards. The award provided the recipient with $500 to assist in offsetting their conference expenses. All students and early-career statisticians who received their MS / PhD degree after 2018 were eligible to apply for one of the three travel awards offered by ASA. Travel award applicants had to submit an abstract for either a contributed talk or a poster at the 2024 Florida Chapter ASA Meeting website and submit a blind copy of the manuscript, with title and abstract, without author information or affiliation to the Student and Travel Award Chair, Xiulin Xie. Zibo is mentored by Dr. Peihua Qiu. Congratulations, Zibo, on being selected for this award!