Babette Brumback, Ph.D.
Classen S, Brumback B, Monahan M, Malaty II, Rodriguez RL, Okun MS, McFarland NR. (2014). “Driving errors in parkinson’s disease: Moving closer to predicting on-road outcomes.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68:77-85.
Freeman MC, Classen T, Dreibelbis R, Saboori S, Greene LE, Brumback B, Muga R, Rheingans R. (2014). “The impact of a school-based water supply and treatment, hygiene, and sanitation programme on pupil diarrhea: A cluster randomized trial.” Epidemiology and Infection, 142: 340-351.
Brumback BA, He Z*, Prasad M*, Freeman MC, Rheingans R. (2014). “Using structural nested models to estimate the effect of cluster-level adherence on individual-level outcomes with a three-armed cluster-randomized trial.” Statistics in Medicine, 33(9): 1490-1502.
Alam MT, Weppelmann TA, Weber CD, Johnson JA, Rashid MH, Birch CS, Brumback BA, Beau de Rochars VEM, Morris JG, Ali A. (2014). “Monitoring of Water Sources for Environmental Reservoirs of Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1, Haiti.” Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20(3): 356-363
Brumback BA, Cai Z, Dailey AB (2014). “Methods of estimating or accounting for neighborhood associations with health using complex survey data.” American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(10):1255-63.
Bumsoo A, Beaver T, Martin T, Hess P, Brumback BA, Ahmed S, Smith BK, Leeuwenburgh C, Martin AD, Ferreira LF. (2014). “Phrenic nerve stimulation increases human diaphragm fiber force after cardiothoracic surgery.” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 190(7): 837-839.
Garn J, Caruso B, Drews-Botsch CD, Kramer M, Brumback B, Rheingans R, Freeman M. (2014). “Factors associated with pupil toilet use in Kenyan primary schools.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(9): 9694-711.
Huaihou Chen, Ph.D.
Chen, Huaihou, and Donglin Zeng. “Sparse Semiparametric Nonlinear Model With Application to Chromatographic Fingerprints Comment.” (2014). Journal of the American Statistical Association. 1350-1353.
Zhao, Y., Chen, H. and Ogden, R. T. (2014). Wavelet-based weighted LASSO and Screening approaches in functional linear regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 21 600-617.
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Yueh-Yun Chi, Ph.D.
Chi YY, Gribbin MJ, Johnson JL, and Muller KE (2014) Power Calculations for Overall Hypothesis Testing with High Dimensional Commensurate Outcomes. Statistics in Medicine, 33(5), 812-827. PMID 24122945; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4072336.
DeRatt BN, Ralat MA, Kabil O, Chi YY, Banerjee R, and Gregory JF (2014) Vitamin B-6 Restriction Reduces the Production of Hydrogen Sulfide and its Biomarkers by the Transsulfuration Pathway in Cultured Human Hepatoma Cells. Journal of Nutrition, 144, 1501-1508. PMCID: PMC 4162474.
da Silva VR, Ralat MA, Quinlivan EP, DeRatt BN, Garrett TJ, Chi YY, Frederik Nijhout H, Reed MC, and Gregory JF (2014) Targeted Metabolomics and Mathematical Modeling Demonstrate that Vitamin B6 Restriction Alters One – Carbon Metabolism in Cultured HepG2 Cells. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism , 307(1): E93-E101. PubMed PMID: 24824655; PMCID: PMC 4080146.
Meenakshi Devidas, PhD
Amanda M DiNofia, Alix E Seif, Meenakshi Devidas, Yimei Li, Matthew Hall, Yuan- Shung Vera Huang, Rochelle Bagatell, William L Carroll, Naomi J Winick, Stephen P Hunger, Brian T Fisher, Eric C Larsen, Richard Aplenc. Resource Utilization and Cost Analysis by Treatment Arm on the Children’s Oncology Group AALL0232 Phase 3 High- Risk B-Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Trial: A Report from the Children’s Oncology Group. Blood 124 (21), 210-210 (December 2014)
Angiolillo AL, Schore RJ, Devidas M, Borowitz MJ, Carroll AJ, Gastier-Foster JM, Heerema NA, Keilani T, Lane AR, Loh ML, Reaman GH, Adamson PC, Wood B, Wood C, Zheng HW, Raetz EA, Winick NJ, Carroll WL, Hunger SP. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of calaspargase pegol Escherichia coli L-asparaginase in the treatment of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: results from Children’s Oncology Group Study AALL07P4. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Dec 1; 32(34):3874-82. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.55.5763. Epub 2014 Oct 27. PubMed PMID: 25348002; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4239306.
Christian A Fernandez, Colton Smith, Wenjian Yang, Charles G Mullighan, Chunxu Qu, Eric C Larsen, William Paul Bowman, Chengcheng Liu, Laura B Ramsey, Tamara Chang, Seth E Karol, Mignon L Loh, Elizabeth A Raetz, Naomi J Winick, Stephen Hunger, William L Carroll, Sima Jeha, Ching-Hon Pui, William E Evans, Meenakshi Devidas, Mary V Relling. Genetic Variation in NFATC2 Is Associated with a Higher Risk of Asparaginase Allergy. Blood 124 (21), 63-63 (December 2014)
Fernandez CA, Smith C, Yang W, Daté M, Bashford D, Larsen E, Bowman WP, Liu C, Ramsey LB, Chang T, Turner V, Loh ML, Raetz EA, Winick NJ, Hunger SP, Carroll WL, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Chen WM, Concannon P, Rich SS, Scheet P, Jeha S, Pui CH, Evans WE, Devidas M, Relling MV. HLA-DRB1*07:01 is associated with a higher risk of asparaginase allergies. Blood. 2014 Aug 21; 124(8):1266-76. doi: 10.1182/blood-2014-03-563742. Epub 2014 Jun 26. PubMed PMID: 24970932; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4141516.
Fernandez CA, Colton-Smith S, Yang W, Date M, Bashford D, Larsen E, Bowman WP, Liu C, Ramsey LB, Chang T, Turner V, Loh ML, Raetz E, Winick NJ, Hunger SP, Carroll WL, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Chen W, Concannon P, Rich SS, Scheet P, Jeha S, Pui CH, Evans WE, Devidas M, Relling MV. (2014). “HLA-DRB1*07:01 is associated with a higher risk of asparaginase allergies”, Blood, 6/26/2014, doi:
Glen Lew, Xiaomin Lu, Rochelle Yanofsky, Susan R Rheingold, James Whitlock, Qi An, Meenakshi Devidas, Caroline A Hastings, Naomi J Winick, William L Carroll, Michael J Borowitz, Stephen Hunger, Michael A Pulsipher. Outcomes after Intermediate-Risk Relapse of Childhood B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) and the Role of Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT): A Report from Children’s Oncology Group (COG) AALL0433. Blood 124 (21), 684-684 (December 2014)
K Rabin, PA Zweidler-McKay, C Wood, Y Dai, J Gastier-Foster, AJ Carroll, NA Heerema, B Wood, MJ Borowitz, P Brown, J Hilden, A Angiolillo, W Salzer, MJ Burke, EA Raetz, ML Loh, SP Hunger, M Devidas. Implementation of Automated electronic risk assignment for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): a report from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG). PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER 61, S168-S169 (December 2014)
Kadan-Lottick NS, Lu X, Hockenberry M, Whitley MK, Hunger S, Devidas M, Winick NJ, Schore RJ, Angiolilo AL, Ness KK. Prospective assessment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in children with standard-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (SR ALL): Results of Children’s Oncology Group (COG) AALL0932. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 2014 32(15) suppl (May 20 2014): 7056. American Society of Clinical Oncology 2014.
Kathryn G Roberts, Yongjin Li, Debbie Payne-Turner, Jinghui Zhang, Richard C Harvey, Yung-Li Yang, Guangchun Song, Jing Ma, Shann-Ching Chen, Jinjun Cheng, Natalia Santiago-Morales, Ilaria Iacobucci, Meenakshi Devidas, I-Ming Chen, Shalini Reshmi, Michael Rusch, Pankaj Gupta, Naomi J Winick, William L Carroll, Nyla A Heerema, Andrew J Carroll, Elizabeth A Raetz, Guido Marcucci, Clara D Bloomfield, Wendy Stock, Steven M Kornblau, Elisabeth Paietta, Ching-Hon Pui, Sima Jeha, James Downing, Daniela S Gerhard, Julie M Gastier-Foster, Mignon L Loh, Cheryl Willman, Stephen P Hunger, Charles G Mullighan. The genetic landscape of Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Research 74 (19 Supplement), 3083-3083 (October 2014)
Lau S, Lu X, Balsamo L, Devidas M, Winick N, Hunger SP, Carroll W, Stork L, Maloney K, Kadan-Lottick N. Family life events in the first year of acute lymphoblastic leukemia therapy: a children’s oncology group report. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Dec; 61(12):2277-84. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25195. Epub 2014 Aug 30. PubMed PMID: 25175168; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4282930.
Leonard A Mattano, Meenakshi Devidas, Alison M Friedmann, Elizabeth A Raetz, Mignon Loh, Patrick Buckley, Michael J Borowitz, Andrew J Carroll, Julie Gastier-Foster, Nyla A Heerema, Nina Kadan-Lottick, Yousif Matloub, David T Marshall, Linda C Stork, Brent L Wood, Naomi J Winick, Stephen Hunger, William L Carroll, Kelly Maloney. Outstanding Outcome for Children with Standard Risk-Low (SR-Low) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and No Benefit to Intensified Peg-Asparaginase (PEG-ASNase) Therapy: Results of Children’s Oncology Group (COG) Study AALL0331. Blood 124 (21), 793-793 (December 2014)
Leonard A Mattano, Meenakshi Devidas, Si Chen, Natia Esiashvili, Barbara Asselin, Naomi J Winick, Mignon Loh, Elizabeth A Raetz, Stephen Hunger, William L Carroll, Stuart S Winter, Kimberly P Dunsmore. Effect of High-Dose Methotrexate (HD-MTX) Vs Capizzi Methotrexate/Pegaspargase (C-MTX/ASNase) on Osteonecrosis (ON) Incidence in Children and Young Adults with T-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL): Results of Children’s Oncology Group (COG) Study AALL0434. Blood 124 (21), 3649-3649 (December 2014)
Lew G, Lu X, Yanofsky R, Rheingold SR, Whitlock J, Gulig SD, Devidas M, Pulsipher M, Hastings CA, Winick NJ, Carroll WL, Borowitz MJ, Hunger S. The significance of minimal residual disease (MRD) in relapsed childhood B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL): A report from Children’s Oncology Group (COG) protocol AALL0433. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 2014 32(15) suppl (May 20 2014): 10014. American Society of Clinical Oncology 2014.
M Chang, SH Jung, and M Devidas (2014). Designs for Randomized Phase II Clinical Trials with two arms: Agent A vs. Agents A plus B. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics. Doi:10.4172/2155-6180.S6-001.
Maloney K, Larsen E, Devidas M, Mattano L, Friedmann A, Gastier-Foster JM, Carroll A, Borowitz M, Wood B, Whitlock J, Loh M, Raetz E, Winick N, Hunger S, Carroll W. Event Free (EFS) and overall survival (OS) for Children with Down Syndrome (DS) and B- Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) in Children’s Oncology Group (COG) clinical trials AALL0232 and AALL0331.Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2014 May 1: 61 S3-S3. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2014.
Myers RM (f), Balsamo L, Lu X, Devidas M, Hunger SP, Carroll WL, Winick NJ, Maloney KW, Kadan-Lottick N, (2014). A prospective Study of Anxiety, Depression, and Behavioral changes in the First year after Diagnosis of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Children’s Oncology Group Study. Cancer, published online 01/28/2014, DOI: 10.1002/cncr.28578
Raetz E, Wood B, Borowitz M, Winick N, Hunger S, Carroll W, Loh M, Devidas M, Maloney K, Mattano L, Larsen E, Carroll A, Heerema N, Gastier-Foster J. Corticosteroid pretreatment is not an independent risk factor in pediatric patients with newly diagnosed B- Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL): Results from Children’s Oncology Group (COG) study AALL03B1. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2014 May 1: S5-S5. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2014.
Roberts KG, Li Y, Payne-Turner D, Harvey RC, Yang YL, Pei D, McCastlain K, Ding L, Lu C, Song G, Ma J, Becksfort J, Rusch M, Chen SC, Easton J, Cheng J, Boggs K, Santiago-Morales N, Iacobucci I, Fulton RS, Wen J, Valentine M, Cheng C, Paugh SW, Devidas M, Chen IM, Reshmi S, Smith A, Hedlund E, Gupta P, Nagahawatte P, Wu G, Chen X, Yergeau D, Vadodaria B, Mulder H, Winick NJ, Larsen EC, Carroll WL, Heerema NA, Carroll AJ, Grayson G, Tasian SK, Moore AS, Keller F, Frei-Jones M, Whitlock JA, Raetz EA, White DL, Hughes TP, Guidry Auvil JM, Smith MA, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, Mrózek K, Kohlschmidt J, Stock W, Kornblau SM, Konopleva M, Paietta E, Pui CH, Jeha S, Relling MV, Evans WE, Gerhard DS, Gastier-Foster JM, Mardis E, Wilson RK, Loh ML, Downing JR, Hunger SP, Willman CL, Zhang J, Mullighan CG. Targetable kinase-activating lesions in Ph- like acute lymphoblastic leukemia. N Engl J Med. 2014 Sep 11; 371(11):1005-15. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1403088. PubMed PMID: 25207766; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4191900.
Salzer W, Burke M, Devidas M, Gore L, Larsen E, Zaoutis T, Fisher B, Steinbach W, Hilden J, Loh M, Winick N, Carroll W, Raetz E, Sung L, Hunger S. Induction mortality and its association with invasive fungal infection(IFI) in children and young adults with high risk (HR) B-lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL): Early results from Children’s Oncology Group study AALL1131. Pediatric Blood & Cancer; 2014 May 1:S5-S5. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2014.
Schultz KR, Devidas M, Bowman P, Aledo A, Slayton WB, Sather HN, Zheng HW, Davies SM, Gaynon PS, Trigg M, Rutledge R, Jorstad D, Carroll AJ, Hereema N, Winick N, Borowitz M, Hunger SP, Carroll WL, Camitta BM, (2014) “Philadelphia Chromosome Negative Very High Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children and Adolescents: results from Children’s Oncology Group Study AALL0031,” Letter to the Editor, Leukemia, published online 1/17/2014, doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.29
Schultz KR, Carroll A, Heerema NA, Bowman WP, Aledo A, Slayton WB, Sather H, Devidas M, Zheng HW, Davies SM, Gaynon PS, Trigg M, Rutledge R, Jorstad D, Winick N, Borowitz MJ, Hunger SP, Carroll WL, Camitta B; Children’s Oncology Group. Long-term follow-up of imatinib in pediatric Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Children’s Oncology Group study AALL0031. Leukemia. 2014 Jul; 28(7):1467-71. doi:10.1038/leu.2014.30. Epub 2014 Jan 20. PubMed PMID: 24441288; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4282929.
T Horton, X Lu, M O’Brien, M Borowitz, M Devidas, E Raetz, P Brown, HUI Zeng, S Hunger, J Whitlock. AALL07P1: Bortezomib with reinduction chemotherapy for first relapse pediatric ALL. A Children’s Oncology Group study. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER 61, S137-S138 (December 2014)
Tamara Chang, Wenjian Yang, L Sara Van Driest, Sue C Kaste, Erica A Bowten, Melissa Basford, Lisa Bastarache, Dan M Roden, Joshua C Denny, Leonard A Mattano, Eric C Larsen, Naomi J Winick, William L Carroll, Cheng Cheng, Deqing Pei, Christian A Fernandez, Chengcheng Liu, Colton Smith, Mignon Loh, Elizabeth A Raetz, Stephen Hunger, Paul Scheet, Sima Jeha, Ching-Hon Pui, William E Evans, Meenakshi Devidas, Mary V Relling. Glutamate Receptor Polymorphisms Contribute to Glucocorticoid-Associated Osteonecrosis. Blood 124 (21), 367-367 (December 2014)
Thompson P, Wheeler HE, Delaney SM, Lorier R, Broeckel U, Devidas M, Reaman GH, Scorsone K, Sung L, Dolan ME, Berg SL. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenomics f daunorubicin in children: a report from the Children’s Oncology Group. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2014 Oct; 74(4):831-8. doi: 10.1007/s00280-014-2535-4. Epub 2014 Aug 14. PubMed PMID: 25119182; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4282931.
Tower RL, Jones TL, Camitta BM, Asselin BL, Bell BA, Chauvenet A, Devidas M, Halperin EC, Pullen J, Shuster JJ, Winick N, Kurtzberg J. Dose intensification of methotrexate and cytarabine during intensified continuation chemotherapy for high-risk B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia: POG 9406: a report from the Children’s Oncology Group. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2014 Jul; 36(5):353-61. doi: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000000131. PubMed PMID: 24608079; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4120865.
Winick NJ, Devidas M, Maloney KW, Larsen EC, Mattano LA, Borowitz MJ, Carroll AJ, Gastier-Foster JM, Heerema NA, Willman CL, Wood BL, Loh ML, Raetz EA, Hunger S, Carroll WL. The impact of initial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings on outcome among patients with NCI standard (SR) and high-risk (HR) B-lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A report from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) studies AALL0331 and AALL0232. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 2014 32(15) suppl (May 20 2014): 10016. American Society of Clinical Oncology 2014.
Wray L, Vujkovic M, McWilliams T, Cannon S, Devidas M, Stork L, Aplenc R. TPMT and MTHFR genotype is not associated with altered risk of thioguanine-related sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the Children’s Oncology Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Nov; 61(11):2086-8. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25057. Epub 2014 Apr 16. PubMed PMID: 24737678; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4283196.
Xiaotu Ma, Mignon L Loh, Michael Rusch, Michael Edmonson, Richard C Harvey, David A Wheeler, Oliver A Hampton, John Easton, Donald Yergeau, Bhavin Vadodaria, Gang Wu, William L Carroll, I-Ming Chen, Daniela S Gerhard, Julie M Gastier-Foster, Mary V Relling, Malcolm A Smith, Meenakshi Devidas, Jaime M Guidry Auvil, James R Downing, Cheryl L Willman, Charles G Mullighan, Stephen P Hunger, Jinghui Zhang. Rise and fall of subclones from diagnosis to relapse in pediatric B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL): A report from the children’s oncology group (COG)-Target-St. Jude Pediatric Cancer Genome Project. Cancer Research 74 (19 Supplement), 998-998 (October 2014)
John Kairalla, Ph.D.
Cara-Fuentes G., Kairalla J.A., Ishimoto T., Rivard C., Johnson R.J., and Garin E.H. (2014). Rituximab in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: Does it Make Sense? Pediatric Nephrology, 29:1313-1319. doi10.1007/s00467-013-2534-4. PMC3856183
Eben Kenah, Ph.D.
Yang, M. E. Halloran, Y. Chen, and E. Kenah (2014). A pathway EM algorithm for estimating vaccine efficacy with a non-monotone validation set. Biometrics 70(3): 568–578. PMCID: PMC4209209
D Sugimoto, A. A. Kroepke, E. Kenah, M. E. Halloran, F. Chowdhury, A. I. Khan, R. C. LaRocque, Y. Yang, E. T. Ryan, F. Qadri, S. B. Calderwood, J. B. Harris, and I. M. Longini, Jr. (2014). Household transmission of Vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(11): e3314. PMCID: PMC4238997
Ira Longini, Ph.D.
Rashed, S., Azman, A., Alum, M. Li, S., Sack, D., Morris, J.G., Longini, I.M., et al.: Genetic Variation of Vibrio cholerae during Outbreaks, Bangladesh, 2010-2011. Emerging Infectious Dis. 2014 January; 20(1):54-60, PMCID: PMC3884724
Chao, D.L., Longini, I.M. and Morris, J.G.: Modeling cholera outbreaks. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 379, 195-209 (2014). PMCID: PMC4238032
Gomes MFC, Pastore y Piontti A, Rossi L, Chao DL, Longini IM, Halloran ME, Vespignani A: Assessing the international spreading risk associated with the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak. PLOS Currents Outbreaks. 2014 Sep 2. Edition 1. doi: 0.1371/currents.outbreaks.cd818f63d40e24aef769dda7df9e0da5. PMCID: PMC4169359
Halloran ME, Longini IM: Emerging, evolving, and established infectious diseases and interventions. Science 12 1292-4 . doi: 10.1126 (2014). PMCID: PMC4408765.
Sugimoto JD, Allen AL, Kenah EE, Halloran ME, Chowdhury F, Khan AI, LaRocque RC, Yang Y, Ryan ET, Qadri F, Calderwood SB, Harris JB, Longini IM : Household transmission of Vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003314 (2014). PMCID: PMC4238997
Dimitrov DT, Troeger C, Halloran ME, Longini IM, Chao DL. Comparative effectiveness of different strategies of oral cholera vaccination in Bangladesh: A modeling study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003343 (2014). PMCID: PMC4256212
Tran CH, Sugimoto JD, Pulliam JRC, Ryan KA, Myers PD, Hughes P, Castleman JB, Doty R, Johnson J, Stringfellow J, Kovacevich N, Brew J, Cheung LL, Caron B, Alexander C, Lincicome S, Longini IM, Halloran ME, Morris JG, Small PA: Targeting School-age Children with Influenza Vaccination Provides Community-level Protection in Alachua County, Florida. PLoS One, 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114479 (2014). PMCID: PMC4260868
Poletto C, Gomes MFC, Pastore y Piontti A, Rossi L, Bioglio L, Chao D, Longini IM, Halloran ME, Colizza V, Vespignani A: Assessing the impact of travel restrictions on international spread of the 2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic. Eurosurveill. 2014 19, PMCID: PMC4415609
Halloran ME, Vespignani A, Bharti N, Feldstein LR, Alexander KA, Ferrari M, Shaman J, Drake JM, Porco T, Eisenberg JNS, Del Valle SY, Lofgren E, Scarpino SV, Eisenberg MC, Gao D, Hyman JM, Eubank S, Longini IM: Ebola: Mobility data, Science, 2014 October 24, 346(6208), 433. DOI: 10.1126/science.346.6208.433-a. PMID: 25342792 [PubMed – indexed for Medline].
Xiaomin Lu, Ph.D.
Ali, A. K. (g), Winterstein, A., Hendeles, L., Lu, X., Segal, R. and Hartzema, A. (2014) Comparison of rates of prescribing oral corticosteroids for asthma exacerbations between step-down therapy approaches among initiators of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-agonist combination therapy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. February 2014; 133(2S):AB177 [Abstract No. 611].
Anton, S. D., Embry, C., Marsiske, M., Lu, X., Doss, H., Leeuwenburgh, C. and Manini, T. M. (2014) Safety and metabolic outcomes of resveratrol supplementation in older adults: results of a twelve-week, placebo-controlled pilot study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Vol. 57, pp. 181-7, DOI: 10.1016/j.exger.2014.05.015.
Boston, S. E., Lu, X., Culp, W., TN., Montinaro, V., Romanelli, G., Dudley, R. M., Liptak, J. M., Mestrinho, L. A. and Buracco, P. (2014) Evaluation of Efficacy of Systemic Adjuvant Therapy for Canine Oral Malignant Melanoma after Surgical Excision: a VSSO Retrospective Study of 151 cases. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Vol. 245, No. 4, pp. 401-7.
Dobkin, B. H., Nadeau, S. E., Behrman, A. L., Wu, S. S., Rose, D., Bowden, M., Studenski, S., Lu, X. and Duncan, P. W. (2014) Prediction of responders for outcome measures of Locomotor Experience Applied Post Stroke trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. Vol. 51, No. , pp. 39-50. (PMID: 24805892)
Hastings, C., Gaynon, P. S., Nachman, J. B., Sather, H. N., Lu, X., Devidas, M. and Seibel, N. L. (2014) Increased post induction intensification improves outcome in children and adolescents with a markedly elevated white blood cell count (>200 x 109/L) with T cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia but not B cell disease: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group. British Journal of Haematology. Vol. 168, No. 4, pp. 533-46. DOI: 10.1111/bjh.13160 Epub 2014 Oct 13. PubMed PMID: 25308804; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4314336.
Kadan-Lottick, N. S., Lu, X., Hockenberry, M., Whitley, M., Hunger, S., Devidas, M., Winick, N. J., Schore, R. J., Angiolillo, A. L. and Ness, K. K. (2014) Prospective assessment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in children with standard risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (SR ALL): Results of Childrens oncology group (COG) AALL0932. Selected for poster presentation American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Lau S, Lu X, Balsamo L, Devidas M, Winick N, Hunger SP, Carroll W, Stork L, Maloney K, Kadan-Lottick N. Family life events in the first year of acute lymphoblastic leukemia therapy: a children’s oncology group report. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Dec; 61(12):2277-84. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25195. Epub 2014 Aug 30. PubMed PMID: 25175168; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4282930.
Lew, G., Lu, X., Yanofsky, R., Rheingold, S. R., Whitlock, J., Gulig, S. D., Devidas, M., Pulsipher, M., Hastings, C. A., Winick, N. J., Carroll, W. L., Borowitz, M. J. and Hunger, S. (2014) The significance of minimal residual disease (MRD) in relapsed childhood blymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL): A report from Childrens oncology group (COG) protocol AALL0433. Selected for oral presentation American Society of Clinical Oncology; 2014 32(15) suppl (May 20 2014): 10014.
Myers, R. M. (g), Balsamo, L., Lu, X., Devidas, M., Maloney, K. W., Carroll, W. L., Winick, N. J., Hunger, S. P. and Kadan-Lottick, N. S. (2014) A Prospective Study of Anxiety, Depression, and Behavioral Changes in the First Year after Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer. Vol. 120, No. 9, pp. 1417-25, online 01/28/2014, DOI: 10.1002/cncr.28578
Nadeau SE, Lu X, Dobkin B, Wu SS, Dai YE, Duncan PW; LEAPS Investigative Team. (2014). A prospective test of the late effects of potentially antineuroplastic drugs in a stroke rehabilitation study. Int J Stroke. 9(4):449-56. (PMID: 23088350)
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Arlene Naranjo, Ph.D.
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Qinglin Pei, Ph.D.
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Peihua Qiu, PhD
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Samuel Wu, Ph.D.
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Yang Yang, Ph.D.
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Baming Zou, Ph.D.
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