Dr. Brumback Chair-Elect Section of Statistics in Epidemiology, ASA
Congratulations to Dr Babette Brumback on her recent election as Chair-Elect for 2014 of the Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, American Statistical Association.
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Congratulations to Dr Babette Brumback on her recent election as Chair-Elect for 2014 of the Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, American Statistical Association.
Peihua Qiu, PhD The University of Florida has named leading statistics researcher Peihua Qiu, Ph.D., the founding chair of its department of biostatistics. “The position was attractive to me for several reasons,” Qiu said. “I feel the environment at the UF Health Science Center is very supportive…
Elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Today. Ira M. Longini, Jr., is a professor of biostatistics at UF and is Co-director of the Center for Statistics and Quantitative Infectious Diseases (CSQUID) at the Emerging Pathogens Institute.
Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi, PhD, accepted appointment as Interim-Chair Department of Biostatistics effective September 2012. She is also a Bob Paul Family Professor of Neurology and Associate Chair for Academic Affairs, Department of Neurology.
Yanpin Wang, a doctoral student in biostatistics, received a 2012 Distinguished Student Paper Award from Biometric Society's Eastern North American Region Committee.